Saturday, August 22, 2009

we're heeeeeeere

12 hours of sitting on a plane - not as fun as it sounds

Guface and I lacked a group of rowdy, drunk Russians. But we did have chatty neighbors. So chatty. She. Wouldn't. Stop. Talking.

However, we did fly Singapore Air-and the $1000 tickets come with perks
We had our first international cocktails as soon as we left San Francisco.
Singapore Sling > Keystone
Hot towels - still not sure what they're for. The man across the aisle politely cleaned out his ears with them...

Built in screens with movies and interactive games as well as language learning programs.
Key phrases:
maek ju - Korean; "beer"

We were also the only two people on the entire plane playing the interactive games.
Can you guess who won?

Either way, we're finally here!
Staying with a friend of Amy's family...

I (Patricia) am the only non-Korean speaker. And they don't know any English.
I felt incredibly awkward at first. I think I am finally starting to realize what I've signed up for.

But with Amy's broken toddler-esque Korean and my common sense, we've been okay so far-
Our Konglish is really improving.


Amy & Patricia
(Kimchi & PCakes)

1 comment:

  1. Bahahahaha, you make me happy Pats.

    and oh I remember Singapore Sling; my mom and I had our share along with wine when flying to Bali

    and I love this
    "my common sense" :))

    so let me know when this meet up shin-dig can take place
